#Android file transfer cannot connect to device s5 install#
2 Install Android File Transfer on Ubuntu.1 General features of Android File Transfer for Gnu / Linux.If the method you are currently using works well, you probably don't need to try this program, unless you are like me and like to test other people's developments. This method can be considered a alternative to other methods of mounting MTP devices in Gnu / Linux. It is for these people who are having problems that Android File Transfer for Gnu / Linux has been designed. These problems can range from directories that do not load, the creation of directories that when copied from another unit end up not sticking, etc.

Some people may experience problems with this and other MTP implementations. When I connect my S5 (and I select the MTP option) on connection to my Ubuntu machine, I can browse, open and manage my files using Nautilus. But it is always good to know these types of tools for what you may need one day. The truth, and after giving the tool several times, the answer is nothing. While I am testing this program, I started to wonder what does this app do that our file manager Nautilus on Ubuntu, don't let us do. Facilitates the transfer of files and folders between the Android system of our phone and our Ubuntu team (In this article I am going to test it in version 17.10). It is built with Qt and its user interface is super simple. This tool is effectively a clone of the Android Google File Transfer app for macOS. In the next article we are going to take a look at Android File Transfer for Gnu / Linux.